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Technical Interview Notes
- Divide and conquer: Splitting a problem into smaller problems similar to the initial until a point is reached where the problem is small enough that it can be solved on its own. Aftwerards, the solution is propogated back up to help solve the higher problem.
- Inplace: Elements in the ...
Fourier Transform Notes
These are just notes I put on this website so that I will be able to remeber the content and be able to review it easly for later exams. This is not meant to go into full detail about the Fourier Transform, so stuff like derivations and proofs will not ...
Adding Custom Builtin Functions to the Python Interpreter
When I have a few minutes of spare time, like if I’m on the bus heading to work or waiting for class to start, one of the things I like to do is explore the cpython source code. I want to learn how the Python interpreter works as a ...